Princedom of Moorland and Dukedom of Pomerania and Livonia

His Royal Highness The Prince Alexander. Knight Commander P.O.M, (H)Lt. General Of The Stag Regiment, Duke of Stagmoore and Sovereign Prince of The Princedom of Moorland - pictured
“The Princedom of Moorland is an Independent Sovereign Nation with territories spanning the world, It is ruled by The Royal House of Morton, and maintains close friendships with other Noble House’s, Including The House of Dos Santos and The House of Simich.”
“Currently, Moorlands Royal Family under take in duties that help the community during the Coronavirus Pandemic.”
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The Grand Dukedom of Pomerania and Livonia existed from the 12th to the 17th century and was ruled by dukes of the House of Pomerania the Griffins; it is from different old territories that include the German Empire, Russian Empire, Kingdom of Poland, and the Holy Roman Empire. In 1264, Duke Wartislaw III died, Barnim I the Good became the sole ruler of the duchy, in 1266 he married Mechthild, the daughter of Otto III, Margrave of Brandenburg, Barnim died in 1278 at Altdamm near Stettin. The duchy then was dispensed to the sons of Barnim I, Otto I and Bogislaw IV. New lines of Pommern-Wolgast and Pommern-Stettin were started. Harbors, warterways, etc. were to be held in common.
Pomerania and Livonia is now a Micro-nation and the House revived and HGDH Prince Ludwig 1 was elected to the House and became known as the House of Pomerania and Livonia. The location of the duchy is situated in northern Germany and Poland and is in exile and has no intention to act upon it, as Germany is a republic, it has the Juridical Status as any government in exile headed by a Prince Pretendant to the Throne and is protected under International Law of 1945.
The Royal House of Pomerania and Livonia is the following: renovations, acknowledgments of titles, predicates, Coat-of-Arms, qualifications and possible deeds or granting ex-novo of titles, qualifications and predicates. Presently, the Royal House of Pomerania and Livonia is headed by HGDH Prince Ludwig 1, and not all heirs are tied to the house by blood, but are anointed by the head of the House of Ludwig. HGDH Prince Ludwig 1 is acting in his royal capacity as the Sovereign of Pomerania, Livonia, Trebizond, and Constantinople.
His Imperial Royal Highness Prince Elector Margrave Archduke Sir Kelley Michael Simich Kt of Germany is titled by His Grand Ducal Highness Prince Ludwig the First in July of 2016 and August of 2017 AD.
The Duke of Hillgate is His Grace, Sir Kelley Michael Simich KPOM is titled by H.R.H. Prince Alexander. Duke Kelley has retired from the title of Hillgate, but received the 1st Honorary Knight Order of Merit Moorland for his exemplary service to the Princedom and His Royal Highness Prince Alexander