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The Royal House of Simich ---- UN DESA IGO

The Royal House of Simich (Royal House of Simich) is an Inter-Governmental Organization with profile acceptance in the years of our Lord 2021 AD in the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs with filed documents as of 2022 - The Royal House's main goal is sustainability throughout the world - Headed and managing member is H.I.M. King Sir Kelley Simich 1st - Titled with Knighthoods - A Title Nobilis Member for history from the Court of Nobility in Great Britain. - And a Tabularium Nobilitatis Americanus Member which is a registry of American Nobility and Fons-Honorum - Titular Membership in The International Commission and Association on Nobility (TICAN) - He can grant titles and knighthood
H.I.M. King Sir Kelley Simich 1st - Is a Prince Elector, Margrave, Archduke, Sir Kt of Germany - Archduke of Austria - Prince of Denmark - Prince of Croatia - Duke of Canterbury - Duke of Croatia - Duke, Lord of the Manor of Coventry - Duke of Coventry - Duke; Great Britain and Northern Ireland - Duke of SeaLand - Marchese DI Croce Grande - Baron of Luxembourg - Barone DI San Giorgio - Baron of SeaLand - Honorific Lord - Lord of England - Lord of Grafton - Cavaliere ET San Giorgio - Knight Sir of Europa - among other titles - Head of the Gov UK-RHOS Commonwealth and The Royal House of Simich and the Duchy of Canterbury - Grand Dukedom Pomerania and Livonia and Duchy of Coventry.
What is an Inter-Governmental Organization you say - An intergovernmental organization or international organization is an organization composed primarily of sovereign states, or of other Intergovernmental Organization's, IGOs are established by a treaty that acts as a charter creating the group. Treaties are formed when lawful representatives of several states go through a ratification process, providing the IGO with an international legal personality. Intergovernmental organizations are an important aspect of public international law.
1. H.I.M. King Sir Kelley Simich 1st - H.M. King of Austria - Croatia, H.M. King of Germany, H.M. King of England, etc.. - by The Entitlement to Rule: Legal, Non-Territorial Sovereignty in International Law
2. Honorific Lord - Governed by the laws of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
3. H.I.R.H. Prince Elector, Margrave, Archduke, Sir of Germany - by International Law, German Law and English Law is Hereditary
4. H.R.H. Archduke of Austria - by International Law and English Law is Hereditary
5. H.R.H. Prince of Denmark - is Hereditary given by a Legitimate King with Fons Honorum
6. H.R.H. Duke of Canterbury - is Hereditary given by a Legitimate King with Fons Honorum
7. Duke Kelley Michael Simich, Lord of the Manor of Coventry - by International Law and English Law for goodwill and promotion of harmony is Hereditary
8. Marchese DI Groce Grande - is Hereditary and given by a Legitimate Prince with Fons Honorum
8. H.R.H. Baron of Luxembourg - is Hereditary given by a Legitimate King with Fons Honorum
10. Cavaliere ET Barone DI San Giorgio - is Hereditary given by a Legitimate Prince with Fons Honorum
11. Duke of SeaLand - given by a small Legitimate Government with Fons Honorum
12. Baron of SeaLand - given by a small Legitimate Government with Fons Honorum
13. Knight Sir of Europa - given by a Legitimate King with Fons Honorum
1.) General and Vice Commander General - USA
2.) Honorary and Hereditary Field Marshall - Germany
3.) Honorary and Hereditary Grand Admiral - Germany
4.) Honorary Colonel of Denmark
5.) Honorary Captain 2nd Army Division - Great Britain
1.) The Blue Max of Livonia L Pour le Me rite (Twice with Nobility) - by His Grand Ducal Highness Prince Ludwig the First
2.) Title Nobilis - Chain of Office for History by the Court of Nobility in Great Britain
3.) 1st Honour Knight Order of Merit - Chest Medal by Prince Alexander of the Princedom of Moorland
4.) Small Knights Templar Gold Breast Star for Noblility
5.) The Noble Knight Order of San Giorgio Austria (Twice with Nobility) - Large Chest Medal with small lapel medal by Serenissima Casa Principesca Grand Ducale Don Morris Zoboli DI Correggio D' Austria E Del Sarco Romano Impero
5.) Officer of the Order of the British Empire - Chest Medal commissioned by H.I.M. King Sir Kelley Simich 1st
6.) The Noble Knight Order of the Garter - Chain of Office and Breast Star commissioned by H.I.M. King Sir Kelley Simich 1st
7.) The Noble Knight Order of the Golden Fleece Austria - Chain of Office and Gold Neck Chain by a ring commissioned by H.I.M. King Sir Kelley Simich 1st
8.) Knight Commander Order of St. George Austria
1.) Royal | The Royal House Of Simich (


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