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Emperor King Sir Kelley Michael Simich in the Interior of Hofburg Palace in 5-2017

The Royal House of Simich II -- Flag & Coat of Arms and Crests

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Collage of Crest Shields of Arms with picture for His Emperor King Sir Kelley Michael Simi
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Personal Crest Shield of Arms for His Emperor King Sir Kelley Michael Simich on March 24,
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Emperor King Sir Kelley Michael Simich the First

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Family Name History of the Ennobled Simich's'
   The Croatian surname "Simich" is a pabronymic origin, deriving from the personal name of the father of the initial bearer. In this instance, the surname Simich derives from "Simon", from the Hebrew personal name "Shim' on", and the Slavic pabronymic suffix "-ich, - ic" denoting "son or descendant of". Therefore, the surname Simich signifies" son or descendant of Simon". The personal name "Shim' on" derives from the Hebrew verb "sham' a'" which signifies "to hearken". In the Dulgate and in many vernacular versions of the Old Testament, the name is usually rendered as "Simon". In the New Testament, associations with the pre-existing Greek byname "Simon", partly as a result of  "snub-nosed". The name Simeon was very popular because its association the apostle Simon Peter, brother of Andrew. Among the very numerous variants of the surname Simich are Sims, Simah, Simic, Simo, Simka, and Simko.

     References to the surname Simich or to its variants include a record of a noble Croatian family named Simich.  This family were ennobled by the Empress Maria Theresa in the person of Simon Simich, who held the rank of Captain in the Croatian regiment stationed at the border.  The Emperor Franz Josef granted the Austro-Hungarian status of nobility to the one Stefan Simic for his military services in twenty-four battles, in Vienna, on January 12th, 1858.  In 1897 the same Emperor granted the Austro-Hungarian nobility to Ignata Simic, who held the positions of royal chancellor and minister of Finances.

Origin:  Croatia

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